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Lung cancer is one of the leading causes of death for both men and women throughout the world. Over the decades, the number of lung cancer patients has increased, mainly due to smoking. Most people who get lung cancer (70 percent) are older than 65 years old, while less than 3 percent are under 43 years old.

Without treatment, lung cancer will continue to grow in the body. If a patient refuses treatment, the survival rate is about a few months after diagnosis. Survival rates are better when the cancer is caught early on – the five-year survival rate is about 15 percent, which is low. If found early and if it remains localized, the five-year survival rate is around 49 percent, but drops to 15 percent if the cancer has spread. If the cancer has spread aggressively, the survival rate is about 2 percent over five years.

If you are treated for lung cancer and are in remission (a period where there are no signs of cancer), you will need to regularly follow up with a doctor, because there is always a risk the cancer will come back. The risk of cancer returning is higher if the patient was a smoker and continues to smoke.

If the cancer comes back, most patients survive for only a few months after it returns.

Unfortunately, we still live in a time where the lung cancer prognosis isn’t great. It is our hope that with research and new technology we can prolong patients’ lives and get rid of lung cancer for good.

Schedule an Appointment for Robotic Lung Surgery in Tampa


If you have lung cancer, especially an early stage, get it taken care of right away. See if you are a suitable patient for minimally-invasive robotic surgery to have the cancer removed.

Dr. Peter Mikhail is a robotic lung specialist and surgeon who performs robotic lung surgery to treat lung cancer patients. He will examine you and determine if you are a good candidate for this surgery.

To learn more about robotic lung surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery  page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information. Dr. Mikhail has offices in Tampa and New Port Richey, Florida.


As a robotic lung surgery surgeon, I operate on different types of lung cancer. I use a minimally-invasive robotic lung surgical procedure to remove the cancer. For this article, I wanted to educate and share some facts on lung carcinoid tumors, which are also referred to ask lung carcinoids.

  • Lung carcinoid tumors are not a common type of lung cancer.
  • This type of lung cancer is slow growing.
  • This cancer starts in the neuroendocrine cells found in the lungs.
  • The exact cause of this type of cancer is unknown.
  • One to two percent of lung cancers are carcinoids.
  • This tumor is more common in the digestive tract than lungs.
  • Only 2 out of 10 carcinoid tumors start in the lungs.
  • People with carcinoid tumors generally get them at a younger age than those with other types of lung cancer. The average age for a typical carcinoid is at 45 years old while the average age for an atypical carcinoid is 55 years old.
  • The five-year survival rate for stage 1 carcinoids is 93%, the five-year survival rate for stage II carcinoids is 85%, the five-year survival rate for stage III carcinoids is 75%, and the five-year survival rate for stage IV carcinoids is 57%.
  • Two out of three people with carcinoid tumors will have symptoms, which may take several years to appear.
  • Symptoms of carcinoid tumors include coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest pain, trouble breathing, weakness, facial flushing.

Book an Appointment with a Lung Surgeon in Tampa

If you have an early stage of lung carcinoids, you have a high five-year survival rate if you seek treatment.

Don’t delay, talk to a lung surgeon to see if you are a candidate to get the tumor removed surgically.

Dr. Peter Mikhail is a robotic lung surgeon who performs minimally-invasive robotic lung surgery to remove lung cancer from patients. He will examine you and determine if you are a good candidate for this type of surgery.


To learn more about robotic lung surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery  page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information. Dr. Mikhail has offices in Tampa and New Port Richey, Florida.




Lung carcinoid tumors (lung carcinoids) are uncommon. This type of cancer grows slower than other types of lung cancer. This cancer starts in the neuroendocrine cells found in the lungs. The exact cause of this type of cancer is not yet known; however, there are risk factors such as smoking, gender, race, age, and people with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1.

  • Smoking is a major risk factor for most types of lung cancer. Research has shown atypical lung carcinoids are more common in smokers.
  • Lung carcinoids are more common in women.
  • Lung carcinoids are more common in white people than African Americans, Asian Americans or Hispanics/Latinos.
  • This type of cancer is most commonly found in people around 60 years old but can be found in people of all ages.
  • If a person was born with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1), the risk for carcinoid tumors is higher. CT scans of the chest every few years in an adult for those with MEN1 can help spot the tumor at an early stage.

There are two types of carcinoid tumors. Typical carcinoids grow slowly and hardly spread further than the lungs. Ninety percent of lung carcinoids are typical. You can get this type without being a smoker. Atypical carcinoids grow faster and are known to spread to other organs. This type of carcinoid tumor is less common but is more likely to be found in smokers.

Book an Appointment with a Lung Surgeon in Tampa

Most early stages of many types of lung cancer can be removed with surgery. If you’ve been diagnosed with a carcinoid tumor, talk to a lung surgeon about getting the tumor removed surgically.

Dr. Peter Mikhail is a robotic lung surgeon who performs minimally-invasive robotic lung surgery to treat lung cancer patients. He will examine you and determine if you are a good candidate for this surgery.

To learn more about robotic lung surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery  page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information. Dr. Mikhail has offices in Tampa and New Port Richey, Florida.



Everyone – young, old, tall, short, healthy and sick – benefits from a nutritional, balanced diet full of vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients. However, lung cancer patients must be more aware of their diet. A lung cancer patient’s diet can affect whether the cancer will metastasize, his/her recovery, and the strength of his/her immune system.

So, what foods should a cancer patient be eating?

  • Good fats – A cancer patient’s body has a harder time absorbing fats, so it’s essential the fats he/she consumes are healthy and are in a moderate amount. Some healthy-fat food sources include salmon, flaxseed oil, nuts, tofu, shrimp, and olive oil. Healthy fats can help disrupt the growth of cancer cells.
  • Protein – A cancer patient should consume 1.08-1.82g of protein per kg of body weight per day. A person can eat chicken, cheese, yogurt, fish, lean meat, eggs, beans, nuts, grains, and legumes to reach his/her protein gram goal for the day.
  • Antioxidants – Antioxidants help a cancer patient restore his/her immune system. Antioxidants help remove free radicals from the body. Antioxidants can be found in fruits, vegetables, and green tea. Some antioxidants like lycopene, found in tomatoes, papaya and watermelon, can restrict the further growth of cancerous cells. The antioxidant sulforaphane increases phase II enzymes that flush carcinogens out of cells – this is found in green leafy vegetables.
  • Cancer patients should stay away from fatty (bad fat) foods – these foods can lead to stomach upset.

Schedule an Appointment for Robotic Lung Surgery in Tampa

Before, during, or after a cancer diagnosis or treatment, it’s essential to eat a good diet to live and lead a healthier life.

If you have lung cancer, especially an early stage, get it taken care of right away. You may be able to get the cancer removed through surgery.

Dr. Peter Mikhail is a robotic lung specialist and surgeon who performs minimally-invasive robotic lung surgery to treat lung cancer patients. He will examine you and determine if you are a good candidate for this surgery.

To learn more about robotic lung surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery  page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information. Dr. Mikhail has offices in Tampa and New Port Richey, Florida.



Lung cancer is bad enough, but it worsens if it begins to spread (metastasizes) to other parts of the body. Why does this happen? Cancer cells break off from the tumor in the lung and spread through the lymphatic system or the bloodstream.  While spreading in one or both systems, it’s easy for the cancer to affect any other part of the body. Common areas for lung cancer to spread are the liver, adrenal glands, and brain.

The most common way lung cancer spreads is through the lymph system. The lung cancer tumor forms in the lungs, but tiny pieces can break off and travel through the lymph system. The pieces affect the lymph nodes but also can affect the liver, brain, and heart. When those tiny pieces of tumor reach other areas, they look for blood vessels and attach themselves to the body’s blood and nutrient supply, which makes the cancer cells grow faster, and often this will cause another tumor to grow outside of the lungs.

Besides the lymph system, the cancer can break off and spread through the blood stream. The blood stream can carry the cancer all over the body. When traveling through the blood stream, it is likely another cancerous tumor will form in another part of the body.

The growth and spread of an individual’s lung cancer depends on many factors, including intrinsic properties of the cancer.

Unfortunately, lung cancer often does not show symptoms until there is substantial tumor growth or impingement.

Schedule an Appointment with a Tampa Robotic Lung Surgeon

If you’ve been diagnosed with lung cancer, get it treated or start treatment before it spreads (if you can). Lung cancer that has spread is far more serious. If your cancer has been caught early, you may be a candidate for surgery. Robotic lung surgery is minimally-invasive surgery with shorter recovery time. Talk to a doctor to see if this is the best treatment for you.

Dr. Peter Mikhail is a robotic lung specialist and surgeon who performs minimally-invasive robotic lung surgery to treat certain types and stages of lung cancer. To learn more about this type or surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery  page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment. Dr. Mikhail has offices in Tampa and New Port Richey, Florida.


What is a prognosis? It is a medical term that predicts if a disease will worsen, reoccur, or improve as time goes on and how quickly this will happen. You will often hear medical professionals say, “a good prognosis” or “a poor prognosis.”  This can also talk about expectations involving quality of life and daily activities.

When it comes to cancer and prognosis, this is about how the cancer responds to treatment. A prognosis with cancer is important because it helps a patient know what may happen down the line and how to manage, plan, and live with what will come. A cancer forecast can help a person get certain things in their life squared away or it can help them adapt to new lifestyle changes.

What helps a doctor come up with a prognosis with lung cancer?

  • Stage of cancer
  • Type of tumor
  • Size of tumor
  • The abnormality of the tumor’s cells
  • A person’s age
  • A person’s general health
  • How a person responds to treatment

When it comes to lung cancer, a doctor may talk about a prognosis in terms of a five-year survival rate. For example, a prognosis is good if the five-year survival rate is good and the cancer is likely to respond to treatment. However, if it will be a difficult tumor to treat or control, the prognosis will be poor.

People who have small cell lung cancer generally have a poor outlook as it is an aggressive lung cancer with a two- to fourth-month survival rate after diagnosis if not treated. Response to treatment can be good but only about 5 to 10% of patients are alive five years after diagnosis. Non-small cell lung cancer does not have a good response to treatment unless it can be surgically removed. It is hard to treat this type of cancer in advance stages.

Book an Appointment with a Tampa Robotic Lung Surgeon

Your lung cancer prognosis will depend on many factors. If surgery is an option, it is one of your best bets to beat the cancer. Robotic lung surgery is minimally-invasive surgery with a shorter recovery time. Talk to a doctor today to see if you are a candidate for the surgery.

Dr. Peter Mikhail is a robotic lung specialist and surgeon who performs robotic lung surgery to treat certain types and stages of lung cancer. To learn more about robotic lung surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery  page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information. Dr. Mikhail has offices in Tampa and New Port Richey, Florida.


All cancers are serious, but lung cancer is one of the most serious cancers diagnosis. Lung cancer can take quite a toll on the body and symptoms can actually worsen by the day.

Some lung cancer symptoms include: coughing, constant chest pain, coughing up blood, frequent lung infections, breathlessness, excessive weight loss, fatigue all the time. If the cancer has spread (metastasized), there will be symptoms or signs in changes in the blood and hormones.

We just listed some symptoms of lung cancer, but how does it truly affect the body?

If lung cancer spreads into the brain, a person will have difficulty with his/her vision; he or she may also experience seizures.

If lung cancer spreads into the bones, the patient may feel acute pain in the ribs, thigh bones, or vertebrae.

If lung cancer spreads into the liver or adrenal glands, often there are no symptoms.

With lung cancer, there is usually a lot of coughing due to the growth of a tumor inside the lungs. This tumor puts a lot of pressure on the chest, which can produce a bad cough and could lead to a person coughing up blood as well.  The excessive pressure of the tumor on the chest is what causes the chest pain.

If a lung cancer tumor blocks a windpipe, a person will begin to wheeze.

A person will experience different symptoms depending on what stage the cancer is in the body. Just like the cancer itself, cancer treatments, from surgery to chemotherapy to radiation, all have their own symptoms and side effects including pain, weakness, shortness of breath, vomiting, hair loss, fatigue, nausea, and more.


If you have early stage cancer, lung cancer surgery is the best way to get rid of the cancer so it will no longer be affecting your body and producing bad symptoms.


Book an Appointment with a Tampa Robotic Lung Surgeon

Lung cancer takes its toll on the body. If you catch the cancer early, your best bet is to try surgery to eliminate it. Robotic lung surgery is minimally-invasive surgery. Talk to a doctor today to see if you are a good candidate for the surgery.

Dr. Peter Mikhail is a robotic lung specialist and surgeon who performs robotic lung surgery to treat lung cancer. To learn more about robotic lung surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery  page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information. Dr. Mikhail has offices in Tampa and New Port Richey, Florida.



Did you know that smoking cigarettes is the leading cause of lung cancer? However, non-smokers can also develop lung cancer. Whether caused by genetics or other inhaled chemicals, non-smokers can get lung cancer too.

In this article, we share with you some facts about smoking in relation to lung cancer in the body.

  • Cigarette smoking accounts for 87 percent of the deaths due to lung cancer in the United States.
  • A male smoker is 24 times more likely to develop lung cancer than a non-smoking male.
  • A female smoker is 13 times more likely to develop lung cancer than a non-smoking female.
  • Cigarettes have more than 80 carcinogens in them including cyanide, nicotine, nitrogen oxide, and carbon monoxide that are harmful when inhaled.
  • Every year, 7,330 people die due to breathing in second-hand smoke.
  • Ten percent of non-smoking men and 20 percent of non-smoking women are found to have lung cancer each year.
  • There are close to 50 million smokers in the United States.
  • The rate of tobacco-caused mortality is about 20 percent of all death-causing agents, according to the British Medical Journal, Lancet.
  • Smoking contributes to 80-90 percent of lung cancer deaths in women and men.
  • From 2005 to 2019, 130,659 Americans died from smoking-related lung cancer each year.
  • Non-smokers have a 20-30 percent greater chance of developing lung cancer if they are exposed to smoke at home or work.
  • Former smokers still have a risk of lung cancer that is higher than a person who never smoked.
  • Smoking can cause mutation in cells which can lead to lung cancer. Smoking can cause direct damage to DNA, it can interfere with DNA repair, it can cause inflammation, it can cause damage to the cilia, and it can interfere with immune function.


Schedule an Appointment with a Tampa Robotic Lung Surgeon


If you’re a smoker, it’s never too late to quit. Quitting smoking will always reduce your risk of developing lung cancer. Even if you’re a non-smoker or former smoker, you still run the risk of getting lung cancer. If you’re worried about having or have been diagnosed with lung cancer, talk to a doctor about options as soon as possible.


If your cancer is caught early, you could be a candidate for lung surgery. Robotic lung surgery is minimally-invasive surgery with less recovery time.


Dr. Peter Mikhail is a robotic lung specialist and surgeon who performs minimally-invasive robotic lung surgery to treat certain types and stages of lung cancer. To learn more this type of surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery  page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment. Dr. Mikhail has offices in Tampa and New Port Richey, Florida.



Cancer is a deadly disease and lung cancer is the deadliest.  Lung cancer begins in the lungs with a tumor that advances over time and abnormal cells can spread to other parts of the body, such as the lymph nodes and liver.

Many people can be living with lung cancer unknowingly . Several lung cancer symptoms are also symptoms of many other illnesses and conditions. Lung cancer symptoms include shortness of breath, chest pain, coughing, fluid in the lungs, sudden weight loss, bone pain, back pain, memory loss, and more. As you can see, many of these symptoms could be easily overlooked or mistaken to be some other condition.

Compared to other cancers, lung cancer is known to metastasize earlier, which means it’s critical to diagnose this cancer early on.

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. Ask your doctor for a lung cancer screening. Your doctor will take blood tests, give you a physical examination, chest x-rays, and a CT scan.  During your exam, your doctor will listen to your breathing and see if there is fluid in your lungs., He will check to see if your lymph nodes and/or liver are swollen. The scans and x-rays will should show if you have tumors, fluids, or swollen lymph nodes.

To truly confirm if you have lung cancer, a doctor will have to take a biopsy then examine your cells under a microscope.

Unfortunately, most lung cancers are found in the later stages. Why? Well, lung cancer often has few or no symptoms during the early stages.

If you happen to get diagnosed in an earlier stage of lung cancer, it is easier to treat. You are also likely a candidate for robotic lung cancer surgery. Bottom line, you should get screened for lung cancer anytime you feel any of the above symptoms in your body, especially if cancers run in your family or if you have a history of smoking. Don’t ignore symptoms. Be proactive and ask your doctor to help you figure out the cause of your pain.

Book an Appointment with a Tampa Robotic Lung Surgeon


If you have an early stage of lung cancer, you are likely a candidate for robotic lung surgery to remove your cancer.


Dr. Peter Mikhail is a robotic lung specialist and surgeon who performs robotic lung surgery to treat different lung cancers. He will examine you and determine if you are a good candidate for this surgery. To learn more about robotic lung surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery  page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information. Dr. Mikhail has offices in Tampa and New Port Richey, Florida.


Most people know the health benefits of eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals. Vitamins and minerals help keep our bodies strong and help fight off illnesses. According to British researchers, vitamin E can help offset negative effects of air pollution on the lungs. The findings in these researchers’ study show that those patients with lower levels of vitamin E concentration in the blood were more likely to have lung conditions as a result of exposure to fine particulate matter (PM).

All is not known about the power of vitamin E.  One researcher stated, “We do not yet fully understand which types of particulate pollution specifically damage the lungs or which vitamins best interfere with this pathway to reduce the level of damage”.

Other studies have also shown that vitamin E has cancer preventative activity. This vitamin helps prevent the production of reactive oxygen species by fat oxidation. It also helps with immune/endothelial cell function. Also, it was shown that 300 IUs of natural vitamin E per day may reduce a person’s lung cancer risk by 61 percent, and the vitamin can help boost blood vessel function in smokers who quit.

How can you consume vitamin E? Vitamin E is found in olive oil, avocados, almonds, and sunflower seeds.

Vitamin E isn’t a miracle vitamin. Just like any other vitamin, it can help the body be strong and healthy, but it isn’t a cure.

If you have cancer, you should see a doctor and not simply rely on vitamins. If you do not have cancer, ask your doctor about which vitamins you should take to help keep you at your healthiest and to help prevent lung cancer.

Schedule an Appointment for Robotic Lung Surgery in Tampa

If you have lung cancer, you should try and see if you can get it removed surgically with a minimally-invasive robotic surgery.

Dr. Peter Mikhail is a robotic lung specialist and surgeon who performs robotic lung surgery to treat lung cancer patients in the earlier stages of lung cancer. He will examine you and determine if you are a good candidate for this surgery. To learn more about robotic lung surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery  page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information. Dr. Mikhail has offices in Tampa and New Port Richey, Florida.


Breast cancer in women gets a lot of attention. The pink ribbon. The ad campaigns. You’ve probably seen a lot of Breast Cancer Awareness information in the past several years. However, believe it or not, lung cancer is the deadliest cancer in women. It kills more women each year than breast, ovarian, and uterine cancer combined. Twenty percent of women who get lung cancer never even smoked in their lives. Lung cancer in women can be caused from smoking, second-hand smoke, radon in homes, genetics, and environmental exposures.

Women are most likely to get adenocarcinoma non-small cell cancer. This cancer often grows and spreads before any symptoms occur.

What are some symptoms of lung cancer in women?

  • Shortness of breath – This is an early sign of lung cancer. Women have difficulty catching their breath.
  • Pain in the chest
  • Pain in the back
  • Recurring cough – This could be common bronchitis, but it is also an early symptom of lung cancer.
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Fatigue
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Change in color or ‘clubbing’ of fingernails

Researchers are looking at estrogen’s connection to lung cancer in women. Many women who have their ovaries removed can be at a higher risk of developing lung cancer. Research has shown that treatment with estrogen and progesterone after menopause can increase the risk of dying from lung cancer. However, estrogen only therapy has been shown to lower the risk of lung cancer.

There are different types of cancer treatments: chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, clinical trials, local treatments, systemic treatments and surgery. If you have an early stage of lung cancer, surgery may offer you a chance to fully remove the cancer.

Schedule an Appointment for Robotic Lung Surgery in Tampa

If you have an early stage of lung cancer, talk to a doctor about lung cancer surgery. There are different types of lung cancer surgery depending on the size and location of your cancer.

Looking for a lung surgeon? Dr. Peter Mikhail is a robotic lung specialist and surgeon who performs robotic lung surgery to treat lung cancer patients. After an examination, he will determine if you are a good candidate for this type of lung cancer surgery. To learn more about robotic lung surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery  page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information. Dr. Mikhail has offices in Tampa and New Port Richey, Florida.


There are three different types of lung cancer: Non-small cell lung cancer, small cell lung cancer and large cell lung cancer. The type of lung cancer you have depends on the area of lung affected and its appearance.

In this article, we share with you a little information about the different kinds of lung cancer.

Non-small Cell Lung Carcinoma

Most lung cancers (80 percent) are non-small cell cancers. There are three subtypes of non-small cell lung cancer. Adenocarcinoma usually occurs in the outer glands of the lungs. It is the most common non-small cell cancer. It is often seen in women and non-smokers. Squamous cancer occurs in the bronchial tube linings. The lungs are often inflamed with this type of cancer. This type of cancer is found often in men. Bronchioalveolar cancer develops close to the air sacs but it is rare.

Small Cell Carcinoma
This type of cancer is the most aggressive form of lung cancer.  It has small cancer cells which grow quickly and can affect several body parts. Only 20 percent of lung cancer patients have this type of cancer. Almost all small cell cancers are connected to smoking.

Large Cell Carcinoma
With large cell carcinoma, the cancer cells develop in the outer edges of the lungs. Cancer grows fast with this type of cancer. It can be removed with chemotherapy or by radiation therapy.

Schedule an Appointment for Robotic Lung Surgery in Tampa

If you have lung cancer, find out if it can be removed with minimally-invasive robotic surgery.  Different stages and types of cancer have different treatment options.

Looking for a lung surgeon? Dr. Peter Mikhail is a robotic lung specialist and surgeon who performs robotic lung surgery to treat lung cancer patients. He will determine if you are a good candidate for this type of lung cancer surgery. To learn more about robotic lung surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery  page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information. Dr. Mikhail has offices in Tampa and New Port Richey, Florida.



If you are a lung cancer patient, there’s a chance lung cancer surgery is possible for you, and it could save your life. If you are a candidate for lung cancer surgery, it is in your best interest to get the procedure. However, every surgery has its risks, but living with lung cancer also has its risks because it is a deadly disease. Millions of people die each year from lung cancer.

Following are a few side effects a patient may or may not experience after lung cancer surgery:

  • Coughing may be difficult.
  • The chest may be sore.
  • You may develop a chest infection.
  • You may feel shortness of breath.
  • You may feel pain/burning/numbness/tingling in the upper back/shoulder/under breast/and abdomen.
  • Your skin may be hypersensitive.
  • You may experience constipation from pain medication.
  • You may be extra tired.

Many of these side effects are entirely normal, while some are more concerning. Before your surgery, your doctor will discuss with you the possible side effects, so you will have a general idea of what to expect. However, if you are experiencing any pain, it is a good idea to mention it to your doctor to make sure what you’re experiencing is “normal”. The doctor will see you if he/she is concerned about your side effects.

Your doctor will help you through the post-op healing process.

Book an Appointment with a Tampa Robotic Lung Surgeon

Surgery can be scary, but lung cancer is scarier. Robotic lung surgery is minimally-invasive surgery, so your recovery time will be less. If you are a good candidate, robotic lung cancer surgery may be your best option to being cancer free.

Dr. Peter Mikhail is a robotic lung specialist and surgeon who performs robotic lung surgery to treat lung cancer. To learn more about robotic lung surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery  page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information. Dr. Mikhail has offices in Tampa and New Port Richey, Florida.


There are many reasons a person could get lung cancer. It could be genetics. It could be from smoking. It could be from air pollution. For many, it is unclear why lung cancer developed in their bodies. Although there is not a definitive way to prevent lung cancer (some things are out of our control), there are some things you can do to keep your body strong to help keep lung cancer at bay.

In this article we share with you some vitamins you can take as dietary supplements or consume in your diet to help prevent lung cancer.

  • Eat foods rich in beta-carotene. Beta-carotene can be found in fruits and green vegetables. You can also take it as a supplement. Beta-carotene helps neutralize free radicals and oxidants in the body, which lowers the risk of cancer.
  • Eat foods rich in vitamin A like carrots or carrot juice. Studies have shown that smokers who do not consume carrots have three times the risk of acquiring lung cancer compared to people who eat carrots.
  • Eat foods rich in vitamin B like whole grains, beans, bananas, lentils and meats. You can also consume vitamin B through supplements. Vitamin B helps in the excretion of oxidants from your body. A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that high levels of vitamin B6 could lower the risk of lung cancer.
  • Eat foods rich in vitamin C like citrus fruits, peppers, tomatoes, and potatoes. This vitamin helps induce the cessation of cancer cell. It also helps boost immunity.
  • Eat foods rich in multiple vitamins. There are many whole foods that are full of many different vitamins and minerals that can help prevent lung cancer.

Talk to your doctor about what vitamins you should take as supplements. Your doctor may think you don’t need any additional supplements but will guide you on what foods you should be consuming to keep yourself healthy.

Schedule an Appointment with a Tampa Robotic Lung Surgeon

If you have been diagnosed with lung cancer, you may be eligible for robotic lung surgery. Dr. Peter Mikhail is one of the best lung cancer surgeons in the Tampa area.


Dr. Mikhail is a robotic lung specialist and surgeon who performs robotic lung surgery to treat lung cancer. He will determine if you are a good candidate for the surgery. To learn more about robotic lung surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery  page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information. Dr. Mikhail has offices in Tampa and New Port Richey, Florida.




Lung cancer isn’t just painful and tiring for the patient – it can also be painful and tiring for the caregiver of the patient.  Caring for someone with lung cancer can be a full-time job. Although it is important to help a person with lung cancer, it’s important as the caregiver to also take care of yourself, so you don’t get ill or worn down in the process.

Following are some tips on caring for a lung cancer patient whether living with lung cancer or post his/her lung cancer surgery.

  • Make sure you go to your doctor for regular checkups and screening to make sure your health is in good shape.
  • Keep up with vaccinations to protect the friend you’re caring for.
  • If caring for your loved one makes you depressed, anxious, stressful, or irritable, talk to your doctor about your mental health. It may be a good idea to talk to a therapist.
  • Ask your loved one’s doctor as many questions as you can to help care for him/her.
  • Make sure you adhere to your loved one’s medication schedule to maintain health and to help in recovery.
  • Help your loved one with daily tasks, especially tasks that require a lot of exertion.
  • Have meaningful conversations with your loved one to help him/her express feelings.
  • Make sure your loved one is seeing other people (friends/family) to help with his/her mood.
  • Be aware you will have to take on many roles as a caregiver including being a personal assistant, an emotional support system, financial advisor, etc.
  • Set up a calendar/reminder system to keep up with your loved one’s medication, bills, exercises, diet, errands, appointments, etc.
  • Make time for yourself. Find time in the day to do an activity you enjoy, so you won’t get overwhelmed or burned out.
  • Stay healthy by staying active and eating a balanced diet.
  • You may have a doctor’s appointment, party, event, or other obligation to attend, so it’s important for you to find a backup to care for your loved one if you need to be away for a little bit.
  • Join a support group for people like you who have loved ones with cancer. These people will understand everything you’re going through.

It’s important to keep yourself mentally and physically healthy while caring for a loved one with cancer. You won’t be able to care for them properly if you neglect yourself. Your health is just as important as your loved one’s health.

Book an Appointment with a Tampa Robotic Lung Surgeon

Looking for a lung cancer surgeon? If you or a loved one needs lung cancer surgery, Dr. Peter Mikhail is one of the best lung cancer surgeons in the Tampa area.

Dr. Mikhail is a robotic lung specialist and surgeon who performs robotic lung surgery to treat lung cancer. To learn more about robotic lung surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery  page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information. Dr. Mikhail has offices in Tampa and New Port Richey, Florida.




Lung cancer is a serious illness and it kills more than million people each year. It kills more people than breast cancer, prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, and colon cancer combined. However, lung cancer can become worse when it metastasizes (spreads) to other parts of the body.

If a lung cancer patient’s cancer spreads, it reduces his/her chance of survival. Sadly, less than two percent of metastatic lung cancer patients can live more than five years after they are diagnosed.

If you have lung cancer, how can you tell if you have metastasized lung cancer or not?

If your lung cancer has spread to the brain, you may experience nausea, severe headaches, blurred vision, seizures, ataxia, vomiting and confusion. If your lung cancer has spread to the spinal cord, you may experience, back pain, sensory loss, weakness in the lower limbs, bowel/bladder dysfunction and impaired motor/sensory function in the lower limbs. If your lung cancer has spread to the bones, you may experience, severe bone pain and fractured bones. If your lung cancer has spread to the liver, you may experience, nausea, weight loss, fever and loss of appetite.

If your symptoms have changed or worsened, talk to your doctor immediately. He/she can take MRIs and X-rays to determine if your cancer has metastasized. Always keep your doctor in the know with how you’re feeling. You want to catch any changes early.

Schedule an Appointment with a Tampa Robotic Lung Surgeon


If you’re in the early stages of lung cancer, there’s a good change you are a candidate for lung cancer surgery. Dr. Peter Mikhail is one of the best lung cancer surgeons in the Tampa area and, if you are a suitable candidate, will perform robotic lung surgery to remove your cancer.

To learn more about robotic lung surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery  page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information. Dr. Mikhail has offices in Tampa and New Port Richey, Florida.


A lung cancer diagnosis is scary. It’s the second most common cancer among men and women. Fourteen percent of all new cancer diagnoses each year are lung cancers. The American Cancer Society estimates that 234,030 people will be diagnosed with lung cancer in 2018 and 154,050 people will die from lung cancer in 2018.

When a person is diagnosed, he or she talks with the doctor about treatment options that include chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation therapy. However, there are many non-medical and more natural ways of helping yourself survive lung cancer, as well.

As a robotic lung surgeon and specialist, I meet with patients to discuss treatment options. Depending on your stage of cancer, medical history, and age, we will determine the best treatment for you. In this article, I share some things you can do on your own to try and beat cancer.

  • Make sure you have a good support system. You will need good emotional support during this time. Whether it’s friends, family, or a licensed therapist, you should find support people to talk to. You might even want to joint a support group with other cancer fighters and survivors.
  • Be honest with yourself about your state of mind during your time fighting the cancer. If you feel depressed or anxious, don’t ignore it or hide it. Tell a doctor and seek out help. Studies have shown that people with advanced stages of lung cancer who have acute or mild depression lived only half as long as those who were happy/not depressed. Depressed people living with lung cancer had a 2 to 10 times higher risk of suicide than the average person, as well. Please don’t bury your feelings. If you aren’t happy, let someone know and try and get help.
  • Ask for palliative care. Palliative care is not hospice, but it is support and care from nurses, doctors, and social workers. A study showed lung cancer patients who had a palliative care consult lived at least two-and-a-half months longer than those who didn’t.
  • A healthy diet. Stick to fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats. Make sure your foods are whole foods. Try to eliminate processed and fried foods. Fuel your body with real food with vitamins and minerals that can help keep your strong during your cancer fight.

Book an Appointment with a Tampa Robotic Lung Surgeon

If you are currently living with lung cancer, robotic lung surgery could be the best option to remove the cancer.

Dr. Peter Mikhail is a robotic lung specialist and surgeon who performs robotic lung surgery to treat lung cancer. He will evaluate you and determine if you are a good candidate for this surgery. To learn more about robotic lung surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery  page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information. Dr. Mikhail has offices in Tampa and New Port Richey, Florida.


Most people know cigarette smoking is bad for one’s health. Lung cancer caused by smoking is the most preventable form of cancer. A non-smoker’s risk of developing lung cancer is 23 times less than that of smokers. Each year, 87% of lung cancer deaths are caused by smoking.

When you inhale smoke from a cigarette, the smoke particles get trapped in the cilia, the tiny hairs that line the air passage of the lungs. Over time, smoke and tar are absorbed deep into the cilia. The cilia become clogged and irritated and the cilia cells can become cancerous.

The smoke inhaled from a cigar is filled with tobacco and other poisonous chemicals that can lead to lung cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, a single cigarette contains as many as 42-61 carcinogens. These carcinogens include cyanide, polonium, benzene, carbon monoxide, methoprene, nicotine and arsenic. Nicotine suppresses part of the immune system that is trying to fight cancerous cells.

The smoke doesn’t just put carcinogens into the lungs; it changes the DNA of cells in the body. It changes how fast the cells grow and reproduce, which can lead to malignant tumors and lung cancer.

It’s never too late to quit smoking. When you quit smoking, you can start to reverse the bad effects.

Book an Appointment with a Tampa Robotic Lung Surgeon

If you are a smoker with lung cancer, we recommend you stop smoking immediately and seek treatment to remove the cancer, if possible. If you have a lesser stage lung cancer, robotic lung surgery may be the best option to remove the cancer.

Dr. Peter Mikhail is a robotic lung specialist and surgeon who performs robotic lung surgery to treat lung cancer. He will evaluate you and determine if you are a good candidate for this surgery. To learn more about robotic lung surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery  page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information. Dr. Mikhail has offices in Tampa and New Port Richey, Florida.


Although lung cancer isn’t a rare or unheard-of cancer, there are a lot of myths out there about this type of cancer. If you are hearing some questionable things about lung cancer, talk to a doctor or nurse – a medical professional will tell you the truth and real facts about lung cancer. Remember, you can lower your risk of lung cancer by quitting smoking, avoiding smoke inhalation, eating a healthy diet, and exercising.

In this article, we clear up some myths about lung cancer.

  • Smoking is the only cause of lung cancer – Smokers and nonsmokers alike can get cancer. Sure, lung cancer is caused mostly by smoking, but there are other causes, as well.
  • Lung cancer can’t be treated – Yes, it can. Many stages of lung cancer are operable; tumors can be removed by robotic lung surgery.
  • Living in a city raises my risk for lung cancer more than smoking – Being exposed to pollution and exhaust can raise the risk for lung cancer but it’s a small risk compared to smoking.
  • Young people can’t develop lung cancer – Yes, they can. Usually, lung cancer affects the older population, but it can form in teenagers, children, and even toddlers.
  • Surgery spreads lung cancer – Surgery cannot spread cancer. Surgery removes cancer during its early stages.
  • Quitting smoking doesn’t help once you already have lung cancer – It can help. When you quit smoking, your chances of surviving lung cancer go up and your treatment will be more effective.
  • More women die of breast cancer than lung cancer – More women die from lung cancer than any other cancer.
  • If I am diagnosed with lung cancer, I am guaranteed to die – The survival rating isn’t high, but the disease is treatable. If diagnosed early, the disease is more curable, especially if the cancer can be removed. Treatment can extend your life.

Book an Appointment with a Tampa Robotic Lung Surgeon

If you have lung cancer, especially an early stage of lung cancer, your best bet would be to get the cancer removed.

Dr. Peter Mikhail is a robotic lung specialist and surgeon who performs robotic lung surgery to treat lung cancer. He will evaluate you and determine if you are a good candidate for this surgery. To learn more about robotic lung surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery  page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information. Dr. Mikhail has offices in Tampa and New Port Richey, Florida.


If you’ve been diagnosed with lung cancer, your doctor has told you what stage the cancer is in. The stage of cancer refers to the degree to which the cancer has spread in the body. The doctor estimates the size of the tumor/cancer and checks to see if it has metastasized in the lymph nodes or other organs.

Determining the stage of the cancer helps the doctor decide what kind of treatment the patient will need. The stage of cancer also helps the doctor come up with a prognosis. The higher the stage cancer is in, the worse the prognosis.

To determine the stage of cancer, the doctor runs several blood tests, as well as CT scans, PET scans, bone scans, and X-rays.

Below, we detail some basic information about each of the stages of cancer.

Stage 0 – This stage is when the cancer is found only in the cells that line the air passages. Many doctors don’t even consider this a stage. In this stage, the patient may not need any treatment.

Stage I – This stage is when the cancer cells are just in the lungs. The patient may have Stage 1A or Stage 1B cancer depending on the size of his/her tumor and if the main bronchus is affected. In this stage, the patient has the option of surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy.

Stage II – This stage is when the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes, diaphragm, chest wall, lining of the lungs, and/or outer lining of the heart. This stage is also divided into IIA and IIB depending on the size of the tumor and if the main bronchus is affected. In this stage, the patient has the option of surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy.

Stage III – This stage of cancer is when the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes in between the lungs and heart. There is also a chance the blood vessels and the lower neck may be affected. If a person has IIIA, the cancer has spread to the same side of the chest where the cancer started, while IIIB is when the cancer has spread on the opposite side of the chest from where the cancer started. The patient has the option of surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy with IIIA cancer but cannot have surgery with IIIB cancer.

Stage IV – This stage of cancer is when the cancer has spread to the other lung or other areas of the body and cannot be removed by surgery. The patient would need radiation therapy or chemotherapy.

Book an Appointment with a Tampa Robotic Lung Surgeon

If you are currently living with Stage I, II, or IIA lung cancer, robotic lung surgery may be the best option to remove the cancer.

Dr. Peter Mikhail is a robotic lung specialist and surgeon who performs robotic lung surgery to treat lung cancer. He will evaluate you and determine if you are a good candidate for this surgery. To learn more about robotic lung surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery  page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information. Dr. Mikhail has offices in Tampa and New Port Richey, Florida.


Any cancer diagnosis is scary, but it’s even scarier when it’s a lung cancer diagnosis since lung cancer is one of the deadliest forms of cancer. In fact, lung cancer has killed more people than any other cancer. Lung cancer is incurable. However, this cancer is also the most preventable.

If a patient isn’t operated on, he or she is likely to survive less than four or five years.

Lung cancer is most common in people 60 years old and older.

Since lung cancer is the most preventable form of cancer, what can you do to reduce your chances of developing this deadly form of cancer?

  • Don’t smoke.
  • Try not to inhale smoke or exhaust around you. Sit away from smokers.
  • Eat fresh fruit and vegetables that are rich in vitamins and antioxidants that help keep cancer at bay.
  • Drink alcohol in moderation.
  • Eat whole grains.
  • Limit the amount of red and processed meat in your diet.
  • Limit salt and sugar intake in food and drinks.
  • Don’t ignore chronic coughs, fatigue, wheezing, or blood in your saliva.
  • Get regular physical exams.

Book an Appointment with a Tampa Robotic Lung Surgeon

If you’ve been diagnosed with lung cancer, your best bet may be surgery. A surgeon will meet with you and examine you to determine if you are right for the surgery. Robotic lung cancer surgery may be your best option to being cancer free.

Dr. Peter Mikhail is a robotic lung specialist and surgeon who performs robotic lung surgery to treat lung cancer. To learn more about robotic lung surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery  page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information. Dr. Mikhail has offices in Tampa and New Port Richey, Florida.



We all get sick. Stuffy noses, coughs, aches and pains are common, but sometimes, our symptoms, especially if they linger, can be signs of something much more serious than the common cold.

The problem with many sicknesses, whether serious or not, is that some symptoms overlap and are similar. Many of lung cancer’s symptoms are similar to many other conditions and illnesses that affect the lungs.

If you’re feeling any bad symptoms in your lungs or chest that linger longer than a few days, it’s critical you go to be checked by your doctor. The later stage of lung cancer a person is in, the harder it is to treat.

As a robotic lung surgeon and specialist, I want to share with you some symptoms that may be signs of something serious if they last for more than a few days. Even if you only have one of these symptoms, it’s a good idea to have it checked by a doctor.

  • Recurrent/persistent cough
  • Coughing up blood
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Fever
  • Hoarse voice
  • Weakness
  • Feeling ill
  • Weight loss
  • Wheezing

As you can see, these symptoms can easily be symptoms of other conditions, diseases, and illnesses. Regardless, they are symptoms that should not be ignored if they are not clearing up quickly on their own. Of course, you can have these symptoms and have something a lot less serious than lung cancer. It’s better to be safe than sorry, so let your doctor diagnose and treat you.

If you are coughing up blood, wheezing, and/or have a hard time breathing, seek medical attention immediately. Do not wait a few days. These symptoms are serious.

Schedule an Appointment with a Tampa Robotic Lung Surgeon

Have you been diagnosed with lung cancer? Are you a candidate for lung cancer surgery? Looking for a surgeon? Dr. Mikhail is a robotic lung surgeon and specialist who performs minimally-invasive robotic lung surgery. He will examine you, listen to your medical history, and determine if you are a candidate for this specific type of lung surgery.


To learn more about robotic lung surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery  page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information. Dr. Mikhail has offices in Tampa and New Port Richey, Florida.


As most people know by now, fruit is good for you! Fruit is loaded with vitamins and antioxidants that help the body thrive, function, and heal itself. Fruits are a great snack and can help people maintain healthy weights.

For a person living with lung cancer, it is crucial to have fruits as part of your daily diet. Fruits will help reduce any complications.

How do fruits benefit lung cancer patients?

  • Fruits can help raise a person’s energy levels, so lung function is better maintained.
  • Since it is rich in vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, active phytochemicals, and fiber, fruit can help ward off chronic illnesses and help prevent health complications.
  • Tomatoes and apples are known to help against respiratory illnesses. A person should consume around 5 or more servings of apples and 3 servings of tomatoes per week to help decrease his/her chances of having complications with lung cancer, according to the American Thoracic Society.
  • Pineapple is known to be a cancer-fighting fruit. According to the International Journal of Cancer, 100g of pineapple per day can reduce a person’s lung cancer risk by 10 percent. Pineapples contain bromelain, an antioxidant enzyme, that can help inhibit cancer cell growth.

To receive the full health benefits of fruit, a person should consume them whole instead of in juice form. Many fruit juices lack fiber and are high in sugar. Fruit is most beneficial for the body when consumed raw.

Fruit cannot rid the body of cancer, but it can help keep your body up-and-running and help fight the cancer.

Each person’s dietary needs are different, so it is important you talk to your doctor about how many servings of fruit you should consume per day and what kinds of fruits you should choose.

Book an Appointment with a Tampa Robotic Lung Surgeon

If you are living with lung cancer and are looking for a surgeon to remove it, consider Dr. Mikhail, a robotic lung surgeon and specialist who performs minimally-invasive robotic lung surgery.

To learn more about robotic lung surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery  page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information. Dr. Mikhail has offices in Tampa and New Port Richey, Florida.



November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month – a time to raise awareness of the unhealthy habits that can lead to lung cancer and to remind everyone of the lung cancer statistics.  A lot more needs to be done so fewer people get lung cancer each year and to make lung cancer a more manageable disease.

Anyone can get lung cancer – regardless of age, gender, race, smoking, family history, or environmental exposures. Each year, 228,000 Americans are diagnosed with lung cancer, and close to 158,000 people die from it. The lung cancer five-year survival rate is extremely low at only 16.8% whereas breast cancer is 89.2% and prostate cancer is 98.9%. Lung cancer kills 433 Americans per day. One in 15 people in the United States will be diagnosed with lung cancer during their lifetime.

Statistics for new lung cancer cases indicate that 17.9% of people never smoked and 60% already ended the habit.

If you have lung cancer or know someone who does, there’s a lot you can do to spread awareness during the month of November. You can talk about lung cancer on social media, you can create a lung cancer event in your community, you can contact your local paper or news team to run a story on it, you can hang flyers around town and in clinics, and you can donate to lung cancer groups like or the Lung Cancer Foundation of America. You can wear a white ribbon during the month to spark conversation about lung cancer. You can share lung cancer research information, for example the FDA has approved more than twice as many new lung cancer treatments in the last two and a half years than it did in the last decade. You can share a lung cancer survivor story.

The point of this month is to help all of us become more aware of this disease, how to detect it and the treatments for it.

Book an Appointment with a Tampa Robotic Lung Surgeon

If you are living with lung cancer, you should talk to a surgeon to see if you are a viable candidate for robotic lung surgery. It is a minimally-invasive lung cancer surgery.

Dr. Peter Mikhail is a robotic lung specialist and surgeon who performs robotic lung surgery to treat lung cancer. To learn more about robotic lung surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information. Dr. Mikhail has offices in Tampa and New Port Richey, Florida.


If you just had lung cancer surgery (or are about to), your body just went through a lot. Now, it’s time for you to heal and recover. Besides rest, a great way to help you recover is through your diet. According to the National Cancer Institute, about one-third of cancer deaths are related to poor nutrition. After lung cancer surgery, a good diet can keep you healthy and strong.

Every person’s diet plan after surgery will be a little different as everyone’s dietary needs are not the same. Your dietary needs will depend on your age, weight, allergies, sensitivities, and if you had chemotherapy or radiation.

Your body needs a good amount of nutrients to help itself heal after surgery. You will need protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. You should drink lots of fluids, as well.

It’s a good idea to eat several small meals, so your body receives nutrients throughout the course of the day.

Here are some foods you should be eating post lung cancer surgery:

Fruits – Fruits will give your body vitamins A, E, C, and D. Vitamin E is known to help lower the risk of lung cancer recurrence. Many fruits, like apples and dried fruits, are also rich in fiber to help the digestive system, which can be a little off post-surgery.

Vegetables – Vegetables, such as leafy greens, are also filled with fiber to aid in digestion. Vegetables are loaded with vitamins and minerals that help your body recover.

Meat – Lean meat like chicken and fish are great sources of protein.

Low-fat dairy – Milk, cheese, and yogurt help the digestive tract post-surgery.

You should talk to your doctor or a nutritionist about the best post-lung cancer surgery diet for you.


Book an Appointment with a Tampa Robotic Lung Surgeon


If you are currently living with lung cancer, robotic lung surgery may be a great option to remove the cancer.

Dr. Peter Mikhail is a robotic lung specialist and surgeon who performs robotic lung surgery to treat lung cancer. To learn more about robotic lung surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery  page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information. Dr. Mikhail has offices in Tampa and New Port Richey, Florida.



Surgery is scary, but it saves lives. When it comes to lung cancer surgery, the surgeon can remove your cancer, and you can be back to living a normal life in a few short weeks. However, as with any surgery, there are risks. Sure, the risks are rare and usually minimal, but they do exist and need to be discussed.

Here, we share with you some of the risks of having lung cancer surgery. It’s so important for you to go into a surgery well-informed. The risks of every surgery will be different depending on the type of lung surgery you’re having, the type of cancer you have, your age, and your medical history.  With minimally-invasive robotic lung surgery, many of the risks are reduced, but risks still exist, as with any surgery. Twenty-two percent of patients who have had lung cancer surgery suffer minor complications, which are not a threat to the patient’s life, but which can slow the healing process.

Minor complications include:

  • Air leak – This is the most common complication; this takes 3 to 5 days to heal.
  • Nausea/vomiting – This occurs from surgery and medications.
  • Infection – A minor infection will keep the patient in the hospital a little longer.
  • Bleeding/bruising
  • Painful scar formation
  • Allergic skin reactions – These can occur from the dressings, especially if they aren’t changed often enough.
  • Skin numbness – This is due to needles or the surgery itself.

8 to 9 percent of lung cancer surgery patients suffer from a major life-threating complication.

Major complications include:

  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Irregular heart rhythm
  • Heart failure
  • Kidney failure
  • Pulmonary embolism
  • Lobar torsion
  • Lung failure
  • Bronchopleural fistula
  • Diabetes – This may occur from lung cancer medications.

Before undergoing surgery, talk to your surgeon about the risks. The risks listed above just give a general idea of those involved in lung cancer surgery. Your risks will depend on many factors.

Book an Appointment with a Tampa Robotic Lung Surgeon

Are you ready to get the lung cancer surgery you need? The pros often outweigh the cons when it comes to lung cancer surgery.  Minimally-invasive lung surgery may be a great option to remove your cancer.

Dr. Peter Mikhail is a robotic lung specialist and surgeon who performs robotic lung surgery on lung cancer patients. To learn more about robotic lung surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery  page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information. Dr. Mikhail has offices in Tampa and New Port Richey, Florida.


Surgery is hard, but recovery may be harder – physically and mentally.  But thanks to minimally-invasive lung cancer surgery, recovery is easier and shorter than in the past.

After surgery, you will still need to check in with your doctor/surgeon for checkups to evaluate your healing process. The follow-up appointments can also help identify if there is any recurrence of lung cancer cells.

Your first appointment after the surgery will be in two to six weeks, and then every three months after that.

Before the surgery, your doctor will give you a recovery plan, which will detail when you can return to daily activities. Your doctor will help you through your steps of recovery.

Once you return home, you will need friends and family to help with you with cleaning, cooking, and bathing. You will need to do breathing and coughing exercises to speed recovery. It is important to go for a walk three to six times a day. You should follow the diet the doctor writes for you. You cannot lift anything heavier than five to eight pounds for two weeks after surgery. You can shower normally; clean your incision site with soap, and pat dry. Baths are not allowed for two weeks post-op.

If your chest tube site is continuing to drain with a foul smell, notify your doctor.

You may experience pain post-op; if the pain persists and is bad, a doctor will prescribe you medication to take at home. Call the doctor if the pain continues.

If you experience any side effects post-surgery, call your doctor or report them during a follow-up visit. If you feel pain/burning/numbness/tingling in your upper back, shoulders, chest and abdomen, you can take a Motrin (600mg every eight hours) or Aleve (as directed). Your skin may be hypersensitive, and you may experience constipation; both are normal post-surgery. You will be more tired than usual. Don’t ignore any symptoms (even common ones), because they could lead to complications.

Book an Appointment with a Tampa Robotic Lung Surgeon

The above information is generalized, but your recovery and care plan post-operation are individualized.  Your doctor will let you know the proper post-op care and side effects of your lung cancer surgery.

If you are currently living with lung cancer, robotic lung surgery may be a great option to remove the cancer. It is minimally-invasive and will give you a shorter hospital stay, less pain, and less scarring.

Dr. Peter Mikhail is a robotic lung specialist and surgeon who performs robotic lung surgery to treat lung cancer in Tampa and New Port Richey, Florida. To learn more about robotic lung surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery  page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information.


Lung cancer surgery is a big deal. Most likely, you are feeling a lot of different emotions including fear and anxiety. Minimally-invasive robotic lung surgery will have you back on your feet quicker than open surgery. You will recover faster and be in the hospital for fewer days.

Here are a few tips for you to prepare yourself before your lung cancer surgery. The more prepared you are, the less anxious you will feel.

  • Ask your doctor as many questions as you can so you will feel more comfortable.
  • Read and understand all the instructions the doctor gives you regarding your diet, physical activity, medications, and more.
  • Hold onto these instructions and keep them handy.
  • Figure out what medications you’re allowed to take pre- and post-surgery.
  • Call your insurance company ahead of time to see what will be covered and who you can be expecting to bill you.
  • Ask your insurance if it’s possible to be put on a payment plan, or if they can direct you to anyone who can help with financing this surgery.
  • Let your employer know you are undergoing this surgery and will be out short-term. You may be eligible for short-term disability or the Family Medical Leave Act, which protects you from losing your job while out for surgery and/or cancer-related hospitalizations.
  • Ask your doctor if you should start exercising or pre-habilitation before surgery to help you get stronger and more flexible.
  • Ask about your nutrition pre- and post-surgery. You want to be strong going into surgery and strong afterwards.
  • Perform breathing exercises at home before surgery to get you ready for the surgery. You will have to perform these exercises post-surgery, as well.
  • If you’re a smoker, stop smoking.
  • Figure out who will drive you home post-surgery.
  • Figure out who will help you at home post-surgery. You will need help cooking and cleaning for a short while.

Every doctor and hospital are different with what instructions and prep they will give you. The above tips are just a general idea of things to think about and prepare for with lung cancer surgery.

Schedule an Appointment with a Tampa Robotic Lung Surgeon


If you need lung cancer surgery and are looking for a surgeon, Dr. Peter Mikhail is a robotic lung specialist and surgeon who performs robotic lung surgery to treat lung cancer. He has offices in Tampa and New Port Richey, Florida.

To learn more about robotic lung surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information.



Like most surgeries, a doctor needs to determine if a patient is a good candidate for a certain procedure. Usually, older patients are considered higher risk for many surgeries. Doctors, family members and the patients themselves may decide they cannot afford the risks of going through with the surgery, as the risks may outweigh the benefits.

These days, lung cancer surgery is proving to be an effective treatment at increasing survival in patients diagnosed in the earliest stages of cancer, even for older patients. According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, researchers found that older patients (even patients over 75 years old) with early stages of lung cancer who received treatment at Memorial Sloan Kettering in New York City usually survive their cancer for longer than five years and are more likely to die from a non-cancer cause.

Physician-scientist Prasad Adusumilli from Memorial Sloan Kettering (MSK) believes patients should not be denied this surgery simply because of their age. He believes surgery has shown to be quite effective in curing the disease in his patients.

The MSK study looked at more than 2,000 patients living with Stage 1 non-small cell lung cancer, which is the most common lung cancer. These patients received lung surgery at this hospital to remove their tumors. The five-year survival rate post-surgery was around 90 percent, and those patients who died the first two years post-surgery usually died from a non-cancer related cause. More than one-third of the patients studied were older than 75 and had other serious health conditions, which shows that age is not an issue with this surgery.

If an older patient needs lung surgery, he or she will also be under the care of other specialists who will pay attention to their heart and lungs during and after their hospital stay.

Dr. Adusumilli says he offers lung cancer surgery to any patient when he can assure that their quality of life will be the same within a month post-operation.

Book an Appointment with a Tampa Robotic Lung Surgeon

If you are in your golden years, don’t rule surgery out! Minimally-invasive robotic lung surgery can be an effective surgery for older patients. Your best bet is to meet with a surgeon to discuss the best plan for you.

Dr. Peter Mikhail is a robotic lung specialist and surgeon who performs robotic lung surgery to treat lung cancer. To learn more about robotic lung surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery  page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information. Dr. Mikhail has offices in Tampa and New Port Richey, Florida.




We understand the weight on your shoulders after a lung cancer diagnosis. You have a lot to think about, and a lot of decisions to make. Knowledge is power, so regardless of your age or other existing health conditions, the best thing you can do for yourself is fully learn and understand all the options available to you to help treat your cancer.

If you are in the earlier stages of lung cancer, you are most likely a good candidate for lung cancer surgery and doctors will usually recommend this route of treatment. There are several different types of lung cancer surgeries available. The lung cancer surgery that you are eligible for depends on your health, lung fitness, tumor location and stage of cancer.

Here are four different surgical procedure options for lung surgery:

Wedge/Segmental Resection – In this surgery, the surgeon removes the tumor along with a small part of the surrounding normal tissue.

Lobectomy – In this surgery, the surgeon removes a part (lobe) of the lung.

Pneumonectomy – In this surgery, the surgeon will remove one lung in its entirety.

Sleeve Resection – In this surgery, the surgeon removes a part of the lung (lobe) with part of the bronchus (airway).

From open surgery (thoracotomy) to minimally-invasive procedures, there are different surgical approaches to the procedures mentioned above. Meet with a lung surgeon to discuss and determine the best option for you based upon your current and past health conditions and family history.

Robotic lung surgery specialist and surgeon Dr. Peter Mikhail performs minimally-invasive lung surgery on his patients. In minimally-invasive robotic lung surgery, a surgeon uses a camera and robotic tools inserted into the body through small incisions between the ribs to perform the surgery; the ribs are not spread in this type of surgery. Minimally-invasive surgery gives patients shorter hospitals stays, shorter recovery times, less pain, and smaller scars. Robotic lung surgery is allowing patients to go home in as few as two days after surgery with a return to normal activities within a month compared to one-to-two weeks in the hospital with a return to normal activities within a several month span.

Book an Appointment for Robotic Lung Surgery in Tampa or New Port Richey, Florida

Need a surgeon to remove your lung cancer? Look no further. Dr. Mikhail is a skilled surgeon with years of experience. After a physical exam and discussion with you, Dr. Mikhail will determine which surgical procedure is best for you.

To learn more about robotic lung surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery  page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information. Dr. Mikhail has offices in Tampa and New Port Richey, Florida.



Minimally-invasive lung surgery can be very effective in removing lung cancer, but unfortunately, it is not for everyone. Lung cancer surgery is best for patients with early stages of lung cancer. If you have an early stage of lung cancer, talk to your doctor and a surgeon as soon as you can about minimally-invasive lung surgery.

Minimally-invasive surgeries are being used more and more these days. When the surgeon decides that minimally-invasive surgery will work on the patient, it is usually the patient’s best treatment option. During a minimally-invasive surgery, a surgeon can switch to open surgery if any safety issue arises.

There are numerous benefits to minimally-invasive lung cancer surgery including less time in the hospital, shorter recovery time, less scaring, and less pain. In this surgery, the surgeon makes a few small incisions instead of one large incision, so the ribs are not spread. Patients can return to their normal life and activities in little more than half the time.

This type of lung surgery is not right for everyone. If you have a later stage cancer, a history of pulmonary infections, have had open chest surgery in the past, have had radiation in the chest or have had a coronary artery bypass graft surgery, you likely cannot undergo minimally-invasive lung surgery. However, this approach has become an available option to patients who were once ineligible for surgery, including patients with diminished lung function or emphysema.

If you are eligible for minimally-invasive surgery, opt for it over open surgery. If your doctor or surgeon doesn’t have experience with this type of surgery, find one who does. More surgeons are becoming experienced and familiar with this type of lung surgery. It is believed that minimally-invasive procedures will become the standard and go-to procedure in the years to come. Also, as lung-cancer screenings become more accurate, more patients will know earlier on if they have cancer, which means they will likely be eligible for this type of lung surgery.

Schedule A Minimally-Invasive Lung Surgery in the Tampa area

If you have lung cancer, you may have more treatment or surgical options than you realize. If you are a candidate for the minimally-invasive approach, seriously consider undergoing this surgery.

Looking for a lung surgeon? Dr. Peter Mikhail is a robotic lung specialist and surgeon who performs robotic lung surgery to treat lung cancer in patients. To learn more about robotic lung surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information. Dr. Mikhail has offices in Tampa and New Port Richey, Florida.


Robotic surgery is the way of the future, but it’s also the way of the present! More doctors and hospitals are using robotic technologies to operate on patients. Robotic surgical machines help doctors be more precise during surgery while also making the surgery less invasive.

Robotic surgery is a minimally-invasive procedure, which means patients typically have shorter hospital stays, less post-op pain, less tissue damage, less blood loss, fewer transfusions, reduced risk of infections, and less scarring,

Research has shown that individuals who underwent robotic surgeries saw significantly shorter stays compared to patients who underwent open surgery. On average, the hospital stay was 2 days shorter. Many patients can go home as early as the day after surgery or within 72 hours instead of five days.

As of right now, most Stage I lung cancers are still being performed by the open surgical technique, but robotic surgeries are gaining popularity due to their benefits. After the procedure, patients have pain but report it to be tolerable. Total recovery time is usually two to three weeks with the robotic system instead of four to six weeks.

Robotic lung surgery gives surgeons better precision, increased range of motion, improved dexterity and access, and enhanced visualization. With robotic lung surgery, the breastbone is not split. As of now, robotic lung surgery still has limitations and is still not used for complex procedures.

With robotic lung surgery, the surgeon makes a few tiny incisions between the ribs. Robotic surgery is performed for early stage lung cancer, so patients have an improved chance of beating lung cancer with this surgery because they are diagnosed when the cancer is in its earlier stages.

Book an Appointment with a Tampa Robotic Lung Surgeon

If you are currently living with lung cancer, robotic lung surgery may be a great option to remove the cancer. You will experience a shorter recovery time, have less pain, and smaller scars from this surgery.

Dr. Peter Mikhail is a robotic lung specialist and surgeon who performs robotic lung surgery to treat lung cancer. To learn more about robotic lung surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery  page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information. Dr. Mikhail has offices in Tampa and New Port Richey, Florida.


You don’t have to be a smoker to get lung cancer. Lung cancer is the second-most diagnosed cancer in the United States. Fortunately, there has been a decline in new lung cancer diagnoses since 2001, which goes together with the declining number of people smoking.

As a robotic lung surgeon and specialist, I want to share with you some lung cancer statistics:

  • Lung cancer is the second-most common cancer in men and women.
  • 14 percent of new cancers are lung cancers.
  • The American Cancer Society estimates there will be 234,030 new cases of lung cancer in 2018 and 154,050 deaths from lung cancer in 2018.
  • Lung cancer is the leading cause of death from cancer in men and women.
  • More people die of lung cancer each year than colon, breast, and prostate cancers combined.
  • The majority of people who have lung cancer are over 65.
  • The average age a person is diagnosed with lung cancer is 70.
  • As a woman, the chance of developing lung cancer is 1 in 17.
  • As a man, the chance of developing lung cancer is 1 in 15.
  • Black men are 20 percent more likely to develop lung cancer than white men.
  • White women are 10 percent more likely than black women to develop lung cancer.
  • Approximately 430,000 people alive today have been diagnosed with lung cancer.
  • 218,527 new cases of lung and bronchus cancer in the United States were reported in 2015,.
  • According to the CDC, 153,718 people died of lung and bronchus cancer in the United States in 2015.

The statistics can be scary, but with proper treatment, there is hope of living a better life with or free of lung cancer. If you have lung cancer and are a good candidate, the da Vinci Surgical System, or other robotic system,  is a great surgical option to remove the cancer. You will experience a shorter recovery time and have smaller scars from this surgery.

Schedule an Appointment with a Tampa Robotic Lung Surgeon

Dr. Peter Mikhail is a robotic lung specialist and surgeon who uses the da Vinci Surgical System to treat lung cancer. To learn more about robotic lung surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery  page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information. Dr. Mikhail is based in New Port Richey, Florida, and he treats patients in Tampa and Clearwater.


As technology advances, we can accomplish more in the medical field. We can help more people feel better, heal, recover, and get their lives back. Robotic lung surgery is one of the technological advancements that is helping people with lung cancer live healthier, cancer-free lives.

As a robotic lung surgeon and specialist, I want to share with you some reasons why you should consider robotic lung surgery, if you are a viable candidate.

  • Being a minimally-invasive surgery, there is less trauma to your body.
  • Since there is less trauma to your body, your recovery period is shorter.
  • There is a shorter hospital stay.
  • Less post-op pain and discomfort.
  • Less tissue trauma. Less scarring.
  • There is only a small incision(s).
  • Less blood loss.
  • Reduced risk of infection.
  • Your ribs do not need to be spread open, and we don’t need a saw to open your breastbone to access the cavity and diseased tissue.
  • There are fewer complications with this surgery.
  • You can return to your daily activities faster.
  • This procedure is very precise.
  • Doctors get full exposure and depth perception using the robotics and video camera.
  • The robot mimics the movements of the human hand.
  • Doctors can see the area and dissect around the vessels better because of the camera and robotic. The lung vessels are delicate, and any injury could lead to life-threatening bleeding.
  • This procedure can handle more complicated tumors, which until recently necessitated open-chest surgery.
  • The procedure helps skilled surgeons make better judgments.

If you currently have cancerous tissue in your lungs or esophagus, robotic lung surgery is a great surgical option to remove the cancer. You will experience a shorter recovery time and have smaller scars from this surgery.

Book an Appointment with a Tampa Robotic Lung Surgeon

Dr. Peter Mikhail is a robotic lung specialist and surgeon who uses robotic lung surgery to treat lung and esophageal cancer. To learn more about robotic lung surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery  page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information. Dr. Mikhail is based in New Port Richey, Florida, and he treats patients in Tampa and Clearwater.




Robotic lung surgery can treat a variety of different cancers and conditions. In this article, we’re focusing on bronchogenic cysts.

What are bronchogenic cysts? Bronchogenic cysts are abnormal growths that a person has from birth (congenital). These cysts have thin walls and they’re filled with fluid or mucus. These cysts can be found in the mediastinum, which is the part of the chest that separates the lungs.

The causes of these cysts are unknown. For many, these cysts will produce no symptoms. Many times, a person learns that he/she has these cysts accidentally from another test. If the cysts grow large, it can start to press against the esophagus or airways. The cysts can also become infected. Whether it’s growing or infected, a person may experience respiratory issues, a fever, or have trouble swallowing.

How are bronchogenic cysts diagnosed? These cysts can be found through x-rays, an esophagram (barium swallow), which is an x-ray of the esophagus, a CT scan, an MRI scan, or a bronchoscopy (small tube that goes through the nose and down the throat into the main airway of the lungs).

If it is discovered you have a bronchogenic cyst, your doctor will recommend treatment that is most appropriate for you depending on the cyst, your current health, and your medical history. Ideally, the doctor will want to remove the cysts. There are different ways to remove the cysts, including robotic lung surgery, thoracotomy, and video-assisted thorascopic surgery (VATS).

In robotic lung surgery, surgeons perform the cyst removal surgery while sitting at a computer console. The surgeon’s hand movements are mimicked by the robotic machine which has precise control. In a thoracotomy, the surgeon makes an incision on the side, back, or in between the ribs.  In VATS, the surgeon makes tiny incisions in the chest and inserts a thorascope and surgical instruments.

Book an Appointment with a Tampa Robotic Lung Surgeon

If you have bronchogenic cysts you may be able to have them removed with robotic lung surgery. Dr. Peter Mikhail is a robotic lung specialist and surgeon. He can help determine if you’re a candidate for the surgery and will answer all your questions about the surgery. To learn more about the surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information. Dr. Mikhail is based in New Port Richey, Florida. He treats patients in Tampa and Clearwater.



Robotic lung surgery can treat a variety of different cancers and conditions. In this article, we’re focusing on lung nodules.

What are lung nodules? Lung nodules or pulmonary nodules are small round- or oval-shaped growths in the lung. These spots are also referred to as spots or coin lesions. Nodules are smaller than 1.2 inches. If these nodules grow bigger than that size, they are no longer a nodule and are considered a pulmonary mass. When it is a mass size, the likelihood of it being cancer is greater.

Nodules can either be malignant (cancerous) or benign (noncancerous). More than 90 percent of lung nodules smaller than ¾ inches are benign. Benign nodules can be caused by inflammation in the lung from a disease or infection. Malignant nodules are often found in people who were/are smokers and are older in age. Overall, most pulmonary nodules are benign.

Nodules are commonly found through x-ray and CT scans. For the most part, lung nodules have no symptoms. Usually, a patient will never know that he or she has a lung nodule unless he/she has an x-ray or CT scan done. A positron emission tomography (PET) scan can also tell if a nodule is malignant or benign. A doctor can also biopsy a small area from the nodule to determine if the nodule is benign or not.

If a nodule is concerning or malignant, the doctor will want to remove it through surgery. Benign nodules usually don’t require treatment. If the patient is healthy enough for surgery and the cancer has not spread, the malignant nodule can be removed.

Nodules can be removed through a thoracotomy or video-assisted thoracoscopy. In a thoracotomy, a person undergoes open lung surgery. A cut is made in the wall of the chest to remove the cancerous lung tissue. A mini-thoracotomy can be performed, when possible, for a less invasive procedure. A video-assisted thoracoscopy (robotic lung surgery) uses a tube with a camera at its end, so the surgeon can see the nodule. This surgery has a smaller cut and a shorter recovery time than a thoracotomy.

Book an Appointment with a Tampa Robotic Lung Surgeon

If you have pulmonary nodules that are growing, concerning or malignant, you may be able to have them removed with robotic lung surgery. Dr. Peter Mikhail is a robotic lung specialist and surgeon. He can help determine if you’re a candidate for the surgery and will answer all your questions about the surgery. To learn more about the surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information. Dr. Mikhail is based in New Port Richey, Florida. He treats patients in Tampa and Clearwater.


Robotic lung surgery can treat a variety of different cancers. In this article, we focus on one specific cancer: Non-small cell lung cancer.

What is non-small cell lung cancer? Non-small cell lung cancer is one of two major types of lung cancer that affects both smokers and nonsmokers. Each year in the United States, more than 200,000 people are diagnosed with this cancer. This is the most common form of lung cancer.

This cancer is serious, but treatment can possibly stop it from getting worse.

About 80-85 percent of lung cancers are non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). There are different subtypes/tumors of NSCLC because they start from different types of lung cells, but they are all treated similarly.  Smokers are the most likely to develop this cancer, especially if over the age of 65.

The three different types of tumors from NSCLC are adenocarcinoma, squamous cell (epidermoid), and large cell (undifferentiated).

About 40 percent of lung cancers are adenocarcinomas, which occurs mainly in smokers or former smokers; however, it is also the most common type of cancer in non-smokers. This type starts in the cells in the air sacs that make mucus. It is known to grow slower than other lung cancers.

Squamous cell carcinomas start in the cells that line the inner airways of the lungs; about 25 percent of lung cancers are this type.

Large cell carcinomas are tougher to treat because they grow and spread quickly. This type accounts for 10 percent of lung cancers. It can appear in any part of the lung.

Besides these three subtypes/tumors, NSCLC includes adenosquamous carcinoma and sarcomatoid carcinoma, but they are much less common.

There is no exact cause for this cancer, but many people who have it have smoked, been around smoke, or have been exposed to radon, asbestos, air pollution, radiation, and HIV/AIDS.

Symptoms of this cancer include coughing, chest pain, hoarseness, voice changes, harsh, raspy sounds when breathing, wheezing, weight loss, little appetite, coughing up blood or mucus, and shortness of breath.

If you have NSCLC, you may be able to have it treated with robotic lung surgery. Dr. Peter Mikhail is a robotic lung specialist and surgeon. He can help determine if you’re a candidate for the surgery and will answer all your questions about the surgery. To learn more about the surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information. Dr. Mikhail is based in New Port Richey, Florida. He treats patients in Tampa and Clearwater.


For patients with esophageal cancer, there is hope, because esophageal cancer is one of several cancers that can be treated with robotic lung surgery. Esophageal cancer occurs in the cells that line the inside of the esophagus. It occurs more often in men than women. It is the sixth most common cancer that causes deaths in the world. Esophageal cancer is associated usually with tobacco and alcohol use, obesity and nutritional habits.

Some symptoms of this type of cancer include dysphagia, unexpected weight loss, chest pain, chest pressure, chest burning, worsening indigestion, bad heartburn, coughing, and hoarseness.

The exact cause of esophageal cancer is unknown. Types of esophageal cancer: adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and small cell carcinoma, sarcoma, lymphoma, melanoma, and choriocarcinoma.

Researchers believe that chronic irritation of the esophagus may contribute to changes that lead to esophageal cancer. Such risk factors include: smoking, obesity, drinking alcohol, bile reflux, GERD, Barrett’s esophagus, consumption of alcohol, not eating enough fruits and vegetables, or undergoing radiation to the chest or upper abdomen.

With esophageal cancer, people can experience pain, bleeding in the esophagus, and obstruction of the esophagus.

To diagnose this type of cancer, a doctor performs an endoscopy or biopsy. If it is determined the patient has cancer, the doctor will run more tests to determine the extent of the cancer. These tests include endoscopic ultrasound, computerized tomography and positron emission tomography.

The type of treatment a patient receives for esophageal cancer depends on the types of cells in the cancer, the stage of the cancer, and the patient’s health status.

If the cancer is small and at an early stage, it can be removed with robotic lung surgery.

If you currently have an early stage of esophageal cancer, you may be a good candidate for robotic lung surgery. Dr. Peter Mikhail is a robotic lung specialist and surgeon. He can determine if you’re a candidate for the surgery.

To learn more about robotic lung surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery  page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information. Dr. Mikhail is based in New Port Richey, Florida. He treats patients in Tampa and Clearwater.



Have you been diagnosed with small cell lung cancer? If so you may be a candidate for robotic lung surgery. Robotic lung surgery is a minimally invasive surgery that uses an intuitive robotic system for surgical assistance through video. This type of surgery is one of the most promising developments in lung cancer treatment. This surgical treatment is offered to patients with early-stage lung cancer.

Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) accounts for 10 to 15 percent of lung cancers.

There are two main types of SCLC: small-cell carcinoma (oat cell cancer) and combined small-cell carcinoma. Small-cell lung cancer grows rapidly, spreads quickly, responds well to chemo, and responds well to radiation therapy.

What causes SCLC? The main cause of small-cell lung cancer is smoking. However, exposure to radon and asbestos can cause small-cell lung cancer.

A person with SCLC usually experiences symptoms for 8 to 12 weeks before seeing a doctor. Symptoms occur from the growth of a tumor. Symptoms include coughing, coughing up blood, shortness of breath, chest pain, hoarse voice, difficulty swallowing and swelling of the face and hands.

A doctor will order and perform various tests and exams to diagnose if a patient has SCLC including:

  • Asking about medical history
  • Asking about smoking history
  • Giving a general physical exam
  • Ordering a chest X-ray
  • Ordering a CT scan
  • Ordering a thoracentesis
  • Performing a bronchoscopy
  • Performing a lung biopsy
  • Performing a mediastinoscopy
  • Ordering blood tests

After determining if the patient has lung cancer, the doctor will perform more exams and tests to see at what stage the cancer is to determine what treatment is best.

If you currently have an early stage of SCLC, you may be a good candidate for robotic lung surgery. Dr. Peter Mikhail is a robotic lung specialist and surgeon. He can determine if you’re a candidate for the surgery and will answer questions about your condition.

To learn more about the surgery, click Dr. Mikhail’s Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery  page or call his office at 727-312-4844 to book an appointment or for more information. Dr. Mikhail is based in New Port Richey, Florida. He treats patients in Tampa and Clearwater.

Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery Center | Dr. Peter Mikhail

Dr. Peter Mikhail is a thoracic and cardiac surgeon in Tampa, Clearwater, and New Port Richey, Florida who specializes in Robotic Lung Surgery. He received his Medical Degree from McGill University in Montréal, Quebec, Canada. He then completed his General Surgery residency at the University of Toronto.

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